Deadline Extended: Call for papers: Transnationality in the Luso-Hispanic World

Call for papers 2010

The Graduate Students of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the
University of California, Los Angeles, invite you to submit abstracts for the:

VII Annual Graduate 
Student Conference
Transnationality in the 

Luso-Hispanic World

to be held on
April 29-30, 2010

The Conference Committee invites proposals for single papers or complete
session panels from scholars of all levels related to transnationality across a
broad range of time periods and geographical regions.

Topics of exploration might include, but are not limited to:
- Anthropological and Historical perspectives
- Manifestations across various Media and the Arts
- Constructs of Identity in the Diaspora and Exile
- Imagined Communities and the Global City
- Gender Roles across Cultural Contexts
- Theoretical and/or Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Dialect change
- Development of New Speech Communities
- Language Maintenance or Loss
- Diglossia, Bilingualism and/or Multilingualism

Papers on a variety of other related topics that adhere to the conference
theme are welcome.

Deadline: The deadline for proposals is Sunday, January 31st, 2010. Respond
via email to: Please include your name, institutional affiliation, title, email address, proposed paper title and a 250-word abstract. Please put “Conference Proposal” in your subject line.

The conference paper itself should have a transnational focus and be a maximum of ten pages in length, not including endnotes and/or bibliography. Presentations will be limited to twenty minutes, inclusive of any time needed for audio-visual setup.